About me...

Hello, my name is Matt Cline. I am twenty years old and I attend the University of South Alabama. I am currently a sophomore and major in Physical Education; teaching and coaching. Throughout my college education, I have learned several different teaching tools I hope to use myself as a teacher and basketball coach. These teaching tools include character, head fake, igoogle, podcasts, and blogs.

Sunday, November 9, 2008


I first learned about igoogle in our EDM310 class. We learned to create a practice igoogle homepage to educationally serve our students. I was able to select specific tools and gadgets to attach to the homepage. Most of my material on my page is associated with physical education, health, and fitness. Some of the gadgets and tools on my page include: fitness tip of the day, daily nutritional checklist, health tip of the day, and the world's healthiest foods. The weather, date, time, a few sport games and three different sport websites are displayed. Students access igoogle through a password given to them by their teacher. Overall, I think igoogle is a neat way for students to advance their learning in and out of the classroom. Teachers can make their websites appealing and interesting to their students, which in turn will make them want to visit the page and learn more about physical education, health, and fitness.

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